My name is Jasna Burza, and my purpose is to remind you that you are the one you have been waiting for. I feel blessed to have amazing conversations with the most insightful people in the world and let their insight help you grow in all areas of your life. Listen to find your purpose, remove the noise of the world, learn how to vibrate higher and access the genius within. Host Jasna Burza is a best selling author of Healer in Heels, speaker and personal development expert and regular TV show contributor. Come say hi on Instagram @jasna.burza ♥️ Buy book here: https://a.co/d/agOUrzv Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. Remember, you are the one you have been waiting for.
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Here’s what to do when nothing is going right
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Every day is a fairy tale, right? While we may fantasize that that may be the case, most of us experience days and periods when nothing seems to be going right. It is only natural folks and we will all have a day like that…..guaranteed and it doesn't matter how positive you may be. Even when we are most positive and optimistic, sometimes - life will simply happen and there will be things outside of our control that will shake our beliefs and will make us frustrated. What I see happen most often is this: we complain about it, get anxiety over it and because of our emotional state - we create more of it, which is the last thing we want. So, today - I share a technique that works for me very single time I am having an "off" day. You have to find a way to press the reset button before things get out of control and I offer a few tips on just how to make that happen.
Monday Jun 19, 2017
How I created a story about being unlovable
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
We all have beliefs and stories that impact our lives negatively. Here's an example of how small Jasna made up a story that really created problems and worse - it's not true.
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Theory behind change and how it can help you follow through
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
One of the most fascinating things I notice when working with people is this: no matter what it is we are dealing with, when we are explained the process or have some kind of a framework to follow - things seem to make more sense and we seem to find more peace with it. I am a geek when it comes to understanding human nature through research and science - I love to learn to apply the tools I learn and see what shows up. Today I talk about a theory that explains how we process change, how long it takes and how you cannot force the process. Thanks to this framework, I can look at something and understand where I am at and where I am headed. It's really kind of interesting when you start to observe your own process.
Monday Jun 19, 2017
One thing that may be making you feel stupid and killing your confidence
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
I really believe that there is something that we are all good at (yes, that includes you!)…….one thing that you can do and feel good and know that you are doing a good job - bonus if it makes you feel like you can fly. But, most of us follow the conventional path of doing what's right and end up in jobs that have the potential of killing us inside. Let me be clear - I don't think everyone needs to do their own thing. I do believe that some people like 9-5 lifestyle and security so they can focus on other things. The problem arises when you find yourself in a job that is not a fit and where you feel like you are always interviewing for the job you already have. Over time, this predicament can seriously erode your confidence and make you feel stupid. You think I am kidding? I see smart people daily who think they are stupid because they find themselves in a job that is not their zone of genius. This is scary! Today, I talk about this problem and offer few nuggets of how to navigate these waters.
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Giving up before starting: don’t die with your music in you
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite spiritual teachers and he left such a big mark on my life. His quote "don't die with your music in you" inspired me to tell you a story and its importance.
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
What Levi’s jeans taught me about how life works
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
This teaspoon of inspiration takes me back to post-war Bosnia and infamous Levi's jeans that I spent a whole year working for. I share why it never really was about the jeans…..
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Waiting for perfection
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
When I have everything ready. When things fall into place. When I lose weight. When i finish my office. When I get married. When I have a baby. When I get that certification.......and on and on and on with waiting for the things to be "perfect" before we actually do something.
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Trick about success
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
What is success? Do you know what it is? How do you define it? And then, what happens when we have "worldly success" but are not happy with our relationships. Let's talk about it.
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Interview with Michelle Raven
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
I had the privilege of meeting Michelle Raven, founder of personal shopping service at Arc's Value Village. We talk about where her idea came from, why it was important to follow through and how does momyhood play into what she does. She is very inspiring and has a lot to teach us but I love how she used her gifts to do something good in the world - inspiration for all us to do the same